Sunday, November 30, 2008

Remembrance of a Memory Foam Mattress

How fortunate we are to live in the modern era! Forget all the conveniences of cell phones, air travel, and electricity-just consider the fact that you are not sharing a straw tick mattress with two or three other family members! Imagine, a couple of centuries ago, people were just deciding to move the contrivance of logs and ropes that passed as a bed out of the kitchen or living room and into a private room designed only for sleeping. Just think of all the bad backs and crankiness! Getting a good night's sleep would have been impossible were people not hoeing and weeding eighteen hours a day.

Yes, we are fortunate to be able to lie down on a beautiful bed frame in a private bedroom on a real mattress. The really lucky ones enjoy the benefits of a memory mattress. Memory foam is a high tech material originally designed by NASA to protect astronauts during lift off. NASA, however, never employed it.

In the public sector, for a long while its high cost made memory foam available primarily to hospitals and nursing care facilities. Now it is widely available in pillows, mattresses, mattress toppers, and seating, and the cost is becoming reasonable enough to the general population.

People are finding that a night on a memory foam mattress really does provide a better sleep experience. Though they may seem surprisingly hard at first, the warmth of your body soon causes the mattress to mold itself to your shape, firmly and evenly distributing your weight. This support decreases restlessness and the achiness people often feel after a night on a poor mattress.

No one wants to go back to the days of the straw tick mattress, but if you are still sleeping on a normal mattress and box springs, you are still stuck in the old days! For unsurpassed sleeping, nothing compares to a memory foam mattress

F. Toulouse

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More Memory Foam Mattress info here;

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